I got tagged! *smile*
There's this one guy, Jacinto. I think he was blog-hopping when he found mine. And, it didn't take him long time to decide to tag mine as one of his five favourite blog! What an honour! I was so overwhelmed. In fact, I still am! *lalalala-twirl*
One of my friend told me today, that he thought I am so in a jovial-mode today. I don't know. There's no sugar over-consumed for the day, so I guess not sugar-rush this time. *thinking*
Anyway, the procedure is, after I have been tagged, I need to return the favour. I mean, I need to tag 5 other people, from my collection of my favourite blogs, including the blog of the person who tagged me. Phew! I think that would be so hard to me to decide. There's more than 5 blogs are in my collection. Sigh.
Listed are 5 of my favourite blog! Oh, before I forgot, here's the rule!
"We can post up to five. Then we tell five more people to share their links. If we all share who tagged us, our links are sure to be seen!"[B][E][A][U][T][I][F][U][L] I personally love this blog. She's my best friend. She's awesome, happily married, and she definitely can write (Seek in and you know what I'm saying!). In a way, I guess she's my idol! Love you Lina! *smile sheepishly*
"They can be business links, favorite sites, affiliate links, whatever you want…"
La Rochelle This is the blog that I never stop visiting, after my very first visit! She's from France (if I'm not mistaken). And, she writes about stuff. Anything revolves around her. And, the fact that she's a mother and still looking gorgeous, plus she can definitely write. Gosh! That strucked me! She's an item, worthwhile! Love you sylvie! *wink*
E-Mocha A guy who can write! Adrian is a guy! Always dropped in to wish few words! This blog is massive! Millions of opinions about loads of things! To be rich, To be skinny-super-model-type, to have a cool gadget in a house (even tho it's actually the lift-chair), he's the guy who writes about almost everything! Kudos to you, Adrian! Always love you for being so loyal! *wink*
Jacinto's Weblog The guy who tagged me! Sorts of love at first sight for the blog-hopping, I guess! Thanks, Jacinto! I'll check on your blog again, soon! Oh, by the way... this blog is about things happening around him... all sorts of stuffs! His thoughts, his opinions, ideas... Good one!
Lupideloope's Thoughts A blog that cheered me up with the posts! There's this one post of his, I love the most! About CATS! I am crazy about cats! And, he got me! And, there are few other stuffs! Stuffs that I have never thought about too! A creative minded guy with a creative kinda blog! More posts with CATS! I love! *wink*
Thanks everyone!! Happy tagging!! *twirl*
Err... is there such word? *smile sheepishly*
6 twirls with baby:
Yikessss...another tagged?
Sok..sok la ekkkk...ehe promised!
I've been tagged! :-)
A rose for you...
Thanks lupideloop!
hahaha... now, tag me back! *wink*
You have been tagged back ma'am! And with the colourful posts you make, yup, still refreshing as a cold Peach iceTea!
waaah tag
nice sweet descriptions and details! :)
take care and have a nice day!
adrian, sure thing. *smile*
lina, when are you going to tag me eh? hehehe... *wink*
lupideloop, thanks! hope its still refreshing in future to come. *wink*
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