Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Weekends Poofed In Seconds...

So, there goes my weekends. No night-out-party-'till-late. Went out window shopping, got the piercing, bought new phone with new number, meeting up few friends, coffee at the cafe and that's all about it. But, I guess I am happy with it. Fair enough. *smile sheepishly*

Believe it or not, I still have the tiredness of last week hours of partying. Mannn, that's horrible! At least this week I got the chance to go out and feel the warm of bit ends of summer (even though now it was supposed to be autumn... sigh. Dublins weather!!).

Fortunately, this week, I mean this weekends... hmm, quite nice weather. So, heck with it. At least more chances to get the warm feeling outdoors. It's not that easy to get sunny days in Dublin. Even though if it's summer. Dreadful weather? Yupp! Most of the times...

Oh, and there's one more news. Recently, I talked to my schoolmate (back in the school days). Farhan! Hahaha... it's been a while, not having classmates hanging around in MSN or YM. But, apparently this guy was there. *jumping with excitement*

He was, sorts of close to me before! I mean, in our school days. But, most of the times, he used to blackmailed me, said that he wanted to pinch my pimples!! (Oh yeah, I have loads of pimples before... I mean, loads mean loads and loads!!)

Good to have him back in the picture! (Farhan!! Read this... See, more stuff about you! Hahaha...) Thank you Farhan... *wink*

So, okay. I guess that's it for tonite. Sigh. Working days tomorrow! Hate that!! *grumble*
I need to tuck in myself in my comfy duvet now. Need to have a really good nite sleep. Long days ahead tomorrow... Working days, and worst of all, its MONDAY! Hate Mondays. *sad look*

Take care peeps. See you guys around! *kiss kiss*

4 twirls with baby:

AdrianC on August 27, 2007 at 12:07 PM said...

wooooooooooooaaaaaaa i hate monadys tooO! and i procrastinated during the weekends! OMG OMG im dead

shle3pyb4by on August 28, 2007 at 7:16 AM said...

adrian, i think everyone hates mondays!! at least, i know i hate mondays. and now u... so, theres the two of us. lets form a club? monday-haters? *wink*

Anonymous said...

lucky for us Monday was holiday!!!

and this the last and final bank holiday until christmas!!! arghhhh I cant believe this!!

have a great tuesday tomorrow babe!

shle3pyb4by on August 28, 2007 at 7:37 AM said...

zura, i just replied ur comment earlier on. forgot tht ure in UK. *shy look*
erm... i will indeed. err... not really. err.. i dont know. lol.

we will have one more bank hols in october. cant wait! yayyy!

take care now! mwahss! *wink*


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