Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Flower Smeller *wink*

Uhuhh... I forgot all about it. I just realized that I got an award (shall I call it an award? I have no idea!) *wink*. It's from my dear sister from Canada, Fracas. *twirl with joy*

She said,

"...there’s just something about her that brings out that part of you that wants to stop and smell the flowers.
She is a treasure, and doesn’t seem to know it".

I was so speechless, as I thought I don't deserve this at all! Fracas, thank you so much. Glad that you think that way, and to be honest, I am so honoured! *wink* As far as I am concerned, I need to pass this to three people, so here are the list of people who I thought would deserve this better than I should...

70steen, as she has been always cheered me up, whenever things go wrong; whether it was me, my work, my sappy love life... she's always there to put a smile on my face, and giving me hope and motivations by just being there! (I know it's only by interweave, but who cares?! I love her to bits!).

And of course, Sylvie... for being such a lovely lady with determination and skills to draw birdies, no matter where she is! Ahh.... and she is a good cheer-girl too, when you are in your downside of life!! Sylvie, you are a star!! Love you Sylvie!

And last but not least, I pass this on to DaddyP. I know that he wouldn't care less about what award has been passed on to him, but I don't care!! I am still passing it on to him! Despite of the annoyingness provided by him, basically every single day... he has a truly good heart, actually! I noticed this, as when he is away, the absentism is very much detected!! Whatever you do to piss us off, we still love you, Daddy!
I'm done. And once again, to Fracas... thank you for such award!!

Now, everyone!! Let's twirl together before we off to bed! *BIG twirl*

6 twirls with baby:

Daddy Papersurfer on February 21, 2008 at 3:13 PM said...

I love getting awards young Babe! I have a special shelf that I keep them on and polish them nearly every day - but in private.
As Fraccy said, you are special, and I can almost manage to *twirl* myself now without losing my balance.


70steen on February 21, 2008 at 5:18 PM said...

b4by thank you so much for the award & you are a treasure Frac is right.

I may be only an interweave friend but the advice and support is real be assured of that........ any how you taught me to T*W*I*R*L
Have a great day
70s x

Daddy Papersurfer on February 21, 2008 at 10:13 PM said...

Ooooooo - you're a member!!!!

XXX *twirl* XXX

shle3pyb4by on February 22, 2008 at 5:32 AM said...

daddy, glad that you love getting awards! i wonder where did you put that in? the cupboard? *giggles*

thank you for putting up such nice words, but you deserved that, anyway!!

you're annoying yet fun! :) so, i guess i say it out loud! :) taraaa daaa daaa... *twirl*

P/S: happy that you can twirl 'properly' now... !! *wink*

shle3pyb4by on February 22, 2008 at 5:34 AM said...

70steen, i am not a treasure, but you worth it!! as the Loreal advert keeps on saying, "'coz you're worth it!".


i know that the 'support' is real, and i cherished it! :) let's twirl some more!! *BIGGER twirl*

shle3pyb4by on February 22, 2008 at 5:35 AM said...

daddy, uhuhhh!! i'm a member now! yayyyy!! proud of it, i think! err... i think!! let me do some research!! ill think about it first.. *wondering, again*


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