Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Friday, July 11, 2008


Weather is still as horrible as it can be. It started with a bright sunny morning, and ended up with damp, gloomy night. As always, work is piled up in the office. And that doesn't really make my day. That, in fact... just make things go weirder!
But, at least I was to occupied with work, that soon I didn't even got the chance to realized that the time passed by so quickly! That was the best bit, I guess...

However, I thought that I will be feeling much more better today, but with the 'help' from Mr. Rainy Day, it obviously didn't help me out at all! I was half drenched when I got home. Even though, with a huge umbrella. The rain seemed to swift up, front... all sides of corner!
What happened when we are out of sentence? Out of conversation, that soon leads to silence? Like, everything said to be wrong and none of the conversation leads to another conversation? Does that means, BAD? Like, really really bad?

Stay awkward in shushhh moment, definitely put me in a misery condition. My wild mind couldn't stop but thinking, wondering... what did I do wrong? Or, is something really really bothered and the best cure is just to keep quiet and enjoy the bliss of tv script and dialogues?
But hey, I guess... the best way to deal with it, is to just ignore it. Not to talk, not to have a conversation... is an option. So, if that is what chosen, then that is what it is. Dot. Full stop?

I think so too! *wink*
Night all, have a good sleep and I'll be back for some crappy stuff more to tell. *twirl & blow kisses away*

2 twirls with baby:

Daddy Papersurfer on July 11, 2008 at 3:06 PM said...

A friendly silence is great ..... the TG spends hours not talking to me - tee hee.

Friday! - yay!

shle3pyb4by on July 12, 2008 at 4:19 AM said...

How can we actually determine a friendly gesture and the opposite ones? Hmm.....

Yeah. Glad its Friday, somehow! :) *twirl*

*hello to TG*


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