Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Three More Sleeps

It's three more sleeps before I am officially leaving Ireland. :'(

It feels a bit awkward. It feels so strange. And well, in terms of packing? It is not going so well. I need to order another one medium box for shipping since I could not fit in all into my suitcase! Disgraceful! My suitcase itself is as big as a mini fridge!! Probably bigger than that! And I already shipped two large boxes last month! Sigh. Can't wait to hear my mom nagging me when she sees all the boxes filled up with my junk arrived! ;)

My room still looks all messed up - as if there was a tornado, a very huge one just passed by. Even though, most of the stuff is in the bag! See, this is what I meant! Packing is never too easy and never underestimate the size of the room - it is always tricky to pack! There must and always be something left behind. :) (uuhh, deep meaning!!!! haha...)

Anyway, this is it. Few more days then I am leaving. As I said earlier, there's only three more sleeps before ending my little adventure in Ireland and pacing upfront for yet another exciting journey of my life in another continent! ;)

Ah, three more sleeps...

2 twirls with baby:

Daddy Papersurfer on May 30, 2010 at 5:52 PM said...

..... and try and get some sleep as well .... it must be very tiring *hypnotises Baby by staring really hard at the computer*

shle3pyb4by on May 30, 2010 at 9:35 PM said...

*drooling and fell asleep*

uhh, well daddy! i think your hypnotise works! ;)

it is tiring, but only few more days left! ;) can't wait.


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