Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Good Weekend

Hi!! I was too tired to write anything on Sunday. Went out on Saturday. I know, I know. I thought that I would stay home, as the last two weeks I have been a very good girl, staying in. *wink*

But the temptations to go out are very much unbearable anymore. So, I went out anyway. It was a good night, as we party all night long. Was very good actually. I was very happy. But I thought I made quite a mistake. A piccolina mistake, I think. I have grown a feeling, maybe. Or maybe, it was the other way round? I have no idea. Maybe I did spark a chemistry to one? I have no idea. Not at all. But it was a good feeling, just that I am confused rather that was a wise step, or was it a false alarm? Or maybe the temptation to have someone to care about you is all over, inside my head and mind now? I have no idea. Not at all. But one thing for sure (as I have learn about this before, I will not think about it, not going to take actions nor steps!). It'll just be, to go with the flow. I am so tired of fully ready for anything. I will be the spontaneous girl as I can be. *wink*

Anyhow, I really had a good weekend. And I think, hmm... I don't regret that I made the choice to go out! Yayyy for me!! *twirl and off to bed*

3 twirls with baby:

Cowgirl Betty on February 19, 2008 at 7:41 AM said...

It sounds like a good time. Who is making your toes curl and getting you twitter-pated? Is it a friend, or a mysterious stranger?

shle3pyb4by on February 19, 2008 at 7:52 AM said...

hi betty!! worst part, it's a friend... supposedly. in a crowd of regular friends. close friends.

thats so much worst! im really confused, but i dont know the feeling... maybe i want, maybe i was just lonely? no idea. not thinking. not doing anything. :)

i think i am back in the dating game! yayyy!! :)

Cowgirl Betty on February 21, 2008 at 5:49 AM said...

Wow--sounds exciting, exhilarating, and a little scary at the same time!

How close is this friend? Is he a friend of a friend, at the fringe of your group, or is he a good mate--and that friendship has turned into something more . . . at some point . . but you can't put your finger on it?

Hopefully he has honorable intentions! ; )


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