Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I Am Mystic Violet? *wink*

It was Valentine's Day yesterday, but due to some 'stupid' virus/worm or whatever they called it, I have to clean up my hard-disk and it took me approximately 6 hours!!

So, I don't have a Valentine's Day post. However, I am okay about it as for me, love can be told, spilled, let out, etc. whenever you feel like and with whomever you think is the one! (uhuhhh... I think I am being so hopelessly romantic here!!) *giggles*

Anyway, since I don't have my laptop, and it was only Thursday, plus outside people were being so lovey dovey on the street, flower stalls, etc. (and I have no one to be with me), so I decided I might do something to pamper myself!

So, I did it!

I bought a haircolour (earlier on before I came home from the office - a stop by at Boots always cleared up my purse!!). And, it is not like normal colour at all. Not brown, hazelnut, honey, etc., not as normal as it can be. But, I bought PURPLE!

First, I like purple sooooo much! And, I think my hair looked so dull and it needs a make-over! Then, I think to colour your hair in purple seems to be a wonderful idea, so that you can be like a one of the superheroes in the kid's comic book!

I bought a colour called Mystic Violet! How cool the name is, eh? *wink*

After a few rummaging to the hair, nearly took me about 30 minutes to put it all on my hair, it is done. I was freaking out at first, afraid that it would be too purple that I will be very 'rockstar' like to be in the office as well as afraid that it won't be purple at all, so it will be just a waste of money! (I think this is called Double Freaking Moment!).

Then, after leaving it on for 30 minutes, I washed it off, and due to my long hair, it took me about nearly 45 minutes!!

Tadaaa... there you go!!

This is what I want! Personally, I like it. And I think, I did a good job! Because if I go to any salon, it will cost me a fortune!! And, I think I rather look different with the colour though! It's cool!! I know it's not too purple, but under the sunshine, you can definitely see the colour! And in my opinion, I think it is so class! *giggles*

So, I am Mystic Violet from now on! Let me know, how do you think my hair colour looks now? *wink*

Happy weekends everyone!! *twirl to bed*

14 twirls with baby:

Unknown on February 16, 2008 at 5:49 PM said...

The colour look lovely on your long shining hair!
Bravo ;-)

Anonymous said...

love the purple. I have bright pink streaks in my hair. because I'm a brunette I have to bleach the streaks first so the colour will really stand out.

and it does!

sylvie d on February 19, 2008 at 1:06 AM said...

looks great!:-)

70steen on February 19, 2008 at 1:46 AM said...

Very nice indeed and yes so shiny :-) ... I have just had pink put back in mine today... it fades so quickly though

Cowgirl Betty on February 19, 2008 at 2:28 AM said...

ooh punky--but in an understated way. I am going for gray myself ; )

shle3pyb4by on February 19, 2008 at 6:43 AM said...

marta, hello! thank you! too much party, have no time to reply. just got back from work! phew! :(

shle3pyb4by on February 19, 2008 at 6:44 AM said...

NM, thanks... but yours must be lovely!! :) ahh... im too lazy, and actually it doesnt look even at all. splotches here and there. but, i think its okay. yes? ;) *twirl tiredly*

shle3pyb4by on February 19, 2008 at 6:45 AM said...

thanks sylvie! ;)

shle3pyb4by on February 19, 2008 at 6:45 AM said...

whoa... 70-steen!! thats cool! i guess many people is so into the pink now eh? same goes with NM! weeee!!!! *twirl*

but do you have to put the bleach on too?

shle3pyb4by on February 19, 2008 at 6:46 AM said...

betty!! yup!! i love purple!! too much!! :) aah... you're going for the gray? ;) cool!!! *giggles and twirl*

70steen on February 19, 2008 at 7:25 AM said...

I don't have to bleach as I am blonde so the pink shows up
My teen has to bleach hers though as she is brunette

shle3pyb4by on February 19, 2008 at 7:33 AM said...

she's brunette? aah... :)
very nice!! mine splotchy! hehehehe... but at least i dont have to pay hundreds! for someone's else to do my hair. so, im okay i guess! :)

Cowgirl Betty on February 19, 2008 at 7:34 AM said...

umm. . . not going gray on purpose . . although I do dye it auburn red from time to time ; )

shle3pyb4by on February 19, 2008 at 7:39 AM said...

betty, hello! :)
but do you think it looks purple? *giggles*

whatever it is, you roxxx!! so, keep on doing whtever you do!! twirl for you! :)


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