Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

So, it is an "X"?

Newsflash!Remember when I was telling you about the phrase, "I Love You" thingy? It's way beyond complicated now. I mean, I just started thinking. Do you think men don't really say it out loud? Or there is only a group of men who doesn't say it but really care for the girl, and there is another group of men who doesn't say it because he just simply not so into that girl? Is there any classification of these men around us? Do you...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Am I Really That Useless?

I am here, with my laptop, finishing up my assignment. I couldn't stop myself from thinking the facts, though. I mean, I think I am right all along with my definition of relationship. I mean, my relationship.What is going on with me? I can't even place what is actually really wrong. I mean, we had fun together. We went to movies, we went for dinner, we hang out and just being cosy and lazy watching some sappy, chick flick movies...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

For Real Or Fantasy?

Hey all. Picking up myself from the ground, to make myself well enough to jot down something! Been too busy at work and college too! Group work has shattered me into pieces. Bossy people around just pissed me off big time, especially when you keep on sneezing and couldn't even think of what are the best things to say... :(Just finishing off my assignment, and thought why not I just drop in and jot in something. As I do have something...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Am Still Alive

Hey all. Sorry for not being around. Been sick the whole time since I came back from Amsterdam! And it is getting worst actually. I did not go to office on Friday as well. Was too wrecked! I can barely even sleep at night nowadays, with all the coughing late at night. It's bothering me big time! There's no sign that it is going to stop any soon.I was just stopping by here to jot something in here, so that you guys know that I...

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