Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Good & The Bad?

Quick post.

Mama has been so generous, and kind, and loving, and amazing, and etc. as she paid for my going home ticket! :) Yup! Ticket bought. And it will be on the 2nd June 2010. I'll be leaving Dublin. For real. For good. After 4 years... Hmm, so it's about 121 days to go (4 months, approximately). *star jump*

Just got a letter from welfare office (since I was on a a casual payment before - working part time, as I paid taxes before, they allowed me to get benefits of the dole, but not fully. Only based on the days that I am not working). But, unfortunately the letter is informing me that my payment is exhausted last week. So, I am not entitled to get anymore from them. What a news!! Since I am only working part time (on a minimum wage), and without this casual payments involved anymore... I will be dead!! I will be... definitely!!

I have a rent, food, train ticket to pay. This is really hard!! A bad news on the first day of February, right after the day I was so happy when Mummy bought me the ticket!! Sigh.

First, I might ask the shop if I can work extra hours. But, at the same time I have my thesis submission in April! No. I know. I have to work. I will ask about the extra hours. Maybe I could even work on Saturday? I need the money. Yes. I think that would be my first step.

If not, maybe find a second job. Urghh... this is hard. Can't think right now. I am such a big mess! Well, will keep you posted. Until then. x

1 twirls with baby:

Daddy Papersurfer on February 2, 2010 at 5:45 PM said...

Perhaps some bar work or in a café? I'm sure your smiley face would be appreciated .......


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