It's an early morning for me again, today. as it has been so nice to wake up early in the morning, and take hot shower, ready to go to the office. As routine as it can be, I prepared myself a cup of coffee, and a sandwich for my breakfast. Its drizzling out there, and I was wondering how would I ever waited for the bus, as I don't have an umbrella with me. Both of my umbrellas are left in the office as it was shining with sun for the last couple of days when I am on my way back from office, that I have decided not to bring them back home.
As I entered the kitchen, there was someone sleeping on the couch. And I could not stop wondering, how possible the two seater sofa could take the huge, lengthy body to be comfy enough to sleep over the limited area provided? I have stopped myself from wondering what triggers this person to favour the sofa more, than a comfy bed in the bedroom. Its just don't make sense, that a sofa would be much better than a bed! Probably, as there was me on the bed that stopped someone from curling on the bed too. If it was because of me, I couldn't help it but have worst thoughts of all thoughts... probably I am snoring too much, too bad that despised people to sleep with me? Or maybe there was something wrong with me that pissed this person off, to even sleep on the same bed with me? I couldn't care no more. Up to this person to decide what he / she wants. Its all has been me, and me. So, I don't really know anymore.
But, a bit pang always crossed my mind whenever I had a mug of coffee for myself, this person creeping slowly to the room... Am I really a bothersome? Am I really really that bad?
Uhuh, I tried not to think but it seems unsuccessful, as of course... I have the thoughts. And always the bad thoughts. Oh plus, somehow... I don't really feel good these past few days. Something like, I feel tired. And when I am tired, of course I will definitely have few things thought badly. And that doesn't make things better. I think, I am so not myself at the moment. But then again, probably Aunty Flow's coming to town. Maybe my period is due soon, so her daughter... PMS, is troubling me at the moment? I truly hate it when I had the PMS, it always transform me into someone else. I will be more vulnerable, super super sensitive, and it won't just pissing other people off, but it pissed me off too!
This weekend would be a long weekend for me, as we have Monday's off as it is the Bank Holiday weekend. So, if I got my period on this weekend, it's gonna be so irritable. Uhuhh, how I wish I can fast forward when my period is going to be.
If only...