Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Like Means What?

Hey. It was a long day for me today. It's the college day. And today is worst. It is the group discussion thingy. We had this submission next week, including the presentation for one subject - more like Project Development course.So, I went. We had not really a discussion, but it was a long day in college. Was too tiring. Everyone started to say this and that. And, uhuhh... it is annoying!Then, went back home, and there were the...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Me Likey?

Hey. It has been a normal day today, but somehow I felt so lazy and tired to wake up and take shower to go to work. It's so cold, and there are so many reasons to stay in bed. But, everything needs to be done in the office. So, I really need to be there in the office, as I will not be there tomorrow as I have college! Sigh.Tiring. But, I went anyway. When I was preparing to go to office, made myself a cup of hot coffee, I looked...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's Minus?

Hey there. Walking down to the bus stop seems like transforming myself from being a normal human being to a frozen salmon in the freezer! It was so cold this morning, while walking to the bus stop this morning, to go to work! It was really really cold, that I barely feel my hands! Could not even texting on a phone, as the fingers seemed to awkward to press any buttons at all!Been half busy in the office earlier on. Catching up...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Just Another Plain Sunday

Good morning, everyone.I have been curling on bed for so many hours, wondering why I could not sleep and with the result, I woke up so early today. Just to realized that, it is a daylight saving time last night. Therefore, there is another additional one hour less, to what we already had before. No wonder!It is already Sunday, but the fact that I don't have to go to work tomorrow, Monday... is such a pleasant thought! No work...

First Time?

Hey. Weather today has been really weird. It has been raining all day, and I can hear the raindrops tapping on my balcony table outside the balcony. It is a pleasant but annoying noise at the same time.I haven't gone out from the house ever, at all since yesterday. I think I am cocooning myself in the house, with instant noodle and few bits of sitcoms re-runs. I could not even go out as well, even though if I feel like going out....

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mr. Tall Guy

Hey.I am seeing a guy six years younger than me. Is that a problem? I don't know. It's not that we are boyfriend and girlfriend at the moment. But, sort of seeing each other. It is quite fun actually. He is such an adorable guy.But, the main point is, do you think it is a problem? I told him my age before, when we first started to get to know each other. Obviously, I could not lie. Never, never about the age. Hence, I still got...

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Simple Thing

Hey there. It has been a normal weekend, was having a quiet weekend sort of. But few friends were over at my place last night for few drinks, and it wasn't successful to be a fully quiet weekend. But at least, I didn't go out and spend all the money for no reason!Earlier on, a friend was coming over for a dinner and it was okay. But then, when few other people were coming, it just turned out to be strange. How could it be that...

Thursday, October 16, 2008



Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Sister's Favourite

Hey there. I have been meaning to put this up. My friend, who has been so dearly close to me. A girl. Sorts of like, a sister to me, since I don't have any families here in Dublin, is crazy about this tune. We shared secrets, we went to parties together, we just basically do every single little thing together! We fought, we cool with each other, but whatever it is, she will always be someone so important in my life. There are...

Spider Web

Hey all. I am at home today. For the first time since, I can't even remember when was the last time, I called in sick. I woke up this morning, feeling all sluggish and worn out! I was walking back home last night from work, not to mention, I was kind of LOST. And all those breezy cold winter wind just put me to a paralyzed state!So, here I am. Munching some tiny little nuggets, and typing my sad sappy life! :)I know that I have...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What I Want?

Hey. Been a hectic weekend. It was though.It was horrible. I mean, got into an official relationship that I don't intend to have now, at the moment. It's the super-sweet guy. I mean, yeah. Fine. He is nice. But then, I don't really feel like going into any relationship at all. At least, not now.But, I can't be so naive and weird. Not accepting such a nice gesture. But then, it is kind of strange for me. At least, not until I am...

Friday, October 10, 2008

I Am A Sugar Cube, Hey?

Hey there. :)I had such a busy week this week, hence I can still smiling. My life now has been so nice and intriguing!I mean, I am too busy with work in the office, and today I have classes all day. It was nice, even though there were like only an hour break from 9am till 5 in the evening! We got group assignment and also a notice telling that we will have a presentation, on the 6th November. Therefore, obviously I will have such...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Days

I am grinning! :)Yeah, I guess you guys are making some sense! I mean, he is such a nice guy! It is like a dream. I am smiling all day, and he never failed to surprise me with cute, sappy, romantically idiotic gestures! Texts, calls, good night call-kisses, etc.At least, now I know that there is someone really care about me. I mean, I don't have to ask about anything. He knows what I wants. As he said to me before (quoted from...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fiction Does Exist?

Hey hey, everyone! :)It has been so long since I have not jotting any tales in here. I have been picking myself up from the floor, and at the same time, things just got out of hands in the office. Been very very busy, and somehow it does the work to keep myself sobbing and rying over the past.However, I have been doing some get to know people. Yeah. As I told you guys, it has been hectic. Somehow, there were too many guys seems...

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