Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Flying High

Hello! :) So, I am not into blabbing in here lately. It is just that, I was too occupied doing, basically nothing. Nothing, doesn't mean that I was practically flapping myself doing absolutely nothing, just that doing bits and pieces with work and college, and it accumulated to just being nothing really that important, but time just passed so quickly! And GONE.

Plus, I just got a little "under the weather" condition these past few days. Not that I am unhappy or anything, just that I think I got infected with the bug that has been in the air lately. Everyone in the shop seems to be getting sick with flu and cold, and I think I am starting to get them as well. At the moment, I am gulping on the cough syrup merrily!! Haha... it seems like an important liquid that I have been consumed this past few days.

It says on the box, "...non-drowsy bla bla bla..." but as what I have been experiencing these few days, I think it was just a matter of putting the sentence on that box so that it can be sold without having any prescription, because as far as I can tell... I am sooo high above the sky! Haha... (sorry, too much cough syrup, I guess... ;) )

Well, and at the same time, I am struggling on the submission for the college work too! I have to submit my thesis proposal, supposedly next week, but somehow the lecturer extended it to the other week after that, which is on the 28th October 2009. So, two weeks to go! Yayy! And I have another of this, group project thingy, that ought to be submitted (first draft), by the end of November... means, many many weeks to go, so bless him! Haha... :)

Apart from that boring news, I am okay... :) So, I have to go back to studying now. Or more like, researching? I am trying to concentrate on the thesis work now, but somehow the cough syrup just made me so happy and giddy! Got so distracted so easily from the thick, boring report that I should be having my eyes on, over the past few hours! Sigh.

Talk later, and have a good night! xoxo

0 twirls with baby:


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