Hey people. It´s late at night. And I can´t sleep.
It is about my trip. I have a huge problem, actually. I don´t have accomodation to book in Valencia. I tried to call every hostels and even hotels that they have in that Valencia city and it seems that none of them is available for the dates that I am going. *sigh*
Most probably. the solution would be, staying in Barcelona until the 31st of December. Whatever the way is, I don´t think it´s a bugger if I ought to stay in Barcelona for few more days. *wink*
Barcelona is so nice. I like it here. Oh, I thought of going to Lisbon instead. But, I have not do any research on that yet. Most probably, I don´t know. Still vague about it. *wondering*
Uhuhh... on the day that I was supposed to go to the airport to get a flight to Barcelona from Dublin. It was dreadful. I had to walk for about an hour to get a taxi on the street. The road was empty. Dublin was dead!
But it was cool though. As I managed to get to the airport on time. Just few minutes late. But, after checking in, I had another forty five minutes to wander along all the way in the tiny little airport of Dublin. *another wink*
Uhuhh... one more thing. My bag, when I put that on the weigh, it is only four kilos!!! I told you I had little things. That makes me wonder. Even the girl at the counter asked me about it. *giggles*
Okay, got to do some winky nap now. Long day tomorrow. *double twirl with kisses*
P/S: uhhhuhh... I was on ´sangria´ last night! I won´t be near, ever... to sangria again!!!
1 month ago
7 twirls with baby:
Madrid is fabulous have you considered a few days there ??... take care
70steen, hola!! im in valencia now. just arrived just now. :)
hey, ive been to madrid with my mom last two or so months... with the paris trip. you didnt remember?
anyway, i took loads of pics, but the worst part is me is less in those pics! but its okay! more things to tell in few days time. hi to everyone!! *twirl*
I've been lost in Barcelona ..... actually I've been lost most places.
Hey - there's a game of virtual tiddley winks going on at Mr. Woppit's!!!
Thanks god youre not going to Lisbon...its so faraway from Barcelona...youll waste ur time on train or bus...(xcept if you go by flight)...
So did u find any place to sleep in Valencia?
Im still in marrakesh going to the desert tomorrow and quite anxious about how were going to get there...it will be such a long journey...sigh!
oh of course you went to Madrid.... doh... you travel and *twirl* around so much I have trouble keeping up :-)
daddy... i just got the chance to drop in here. havent check woppity´s world as yet. ill be there right in few seconds!! :)
sexy, yeah. i am completely happy now in valencia. i found the place. it is a youth hostel, but it is none like a hostel. in fact, its gorgeous!! im loving it!! and so far, so good. i love my trip over here. no regrets at all!! im going to italy i think, next time!! yayyyy!! uhuhhh... enjoy your trip in the desert! And, holla me up when you´re back!!
70steen, hi there!! yeah. didnt you realized tht i have been to madrid? with mama!! :) no worries. ill be slowing down my pace... hehehe... eh, my twirls!! *twirling slowly for 70steen to cope*
P/S: To all, I have met this one guy in Barcelona. And as far as I am concern, Barcelona is Spain yes? But I met an Italian guy, and I am so happy! Uhuh... mind you that this particular person is like a mirror image of the dickhead!! But minus the dicky part!! He´s not even near to a jerk! Yayyy!! *happily twirl for everyone*
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