Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Stucked In The Dryer?

I thought I would go to sleep right after I fold my clothes off from the dryer. But, I can not!!

I tried to stop, the dryer manually. It was supposed to have another 15 minutes, as it was timed. But naughty me, I tried to stop it, and get my clothes out of it before. But, no chance! I push the off cancel button, and try to pull the 'dryer door'. First attempt, unsuccessful! Pull it harder, failed!!

My clothes stucked in the dryerrrrrr!!!!! *frowning*

I sat in front of the dryer, and I push the start/cancel button back again. I stared in the glass of the 'dryer door'. I saw my clothes tumbling up and down, screaming for help. I could not do anything about it! I looked and looked and looked. "Help us out, help us out!! It's too hot in here!! We're done!!"

Pitifully, I can't do anything about it. I looked, and looked and looked again. Suddenly I felt dizzy. Looking at my clothes tumbling up and down in the dryer. Hmm... 5 more minutes. They'll get used to it, I hope.

What is it like to be in the dryer...? How I wonder.

Good night! *wink and tumbling... eh, twirling!*

0 twirls with baby:


The Upside Down of Me Copyright © 2009 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino