Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

How's Life Treating You?

I am still recovering from the invaded moment since last night. I just couldn't believe what has happened. Really.

Anyway, I am so confused about what revolves around me now. I know. I have been saying this thing once in a blue moon in my blog, constantly. But, I just couldn't help it.

I was on my way to the office today, in the morning. I was in the bus. I sit on the upper saloon. (By the way, I came in so early today. I already in the office at half 8, whilst I was supposed to be in at 9. Yayyy for me!!!).

Anyway, when the bus nearly reaching my stop, I went down. So, there were few people in front me. So, I stood still. As the bus is about to reach my stop. There are few people behind me as well. So, we waited.

Somehow, from somewhere... there was this girl (I presumed she goes to the study centre somewhere near my office, as she looks like one of the students), pushing me from far. I give her ways, but she stood still. I was confused. So, I stay at where I was before, holding to the bus pole. But then again, she pushed me as if she wants to get through!! I was shaking my head, and so were others.

Then we come the the stop, and somehow she just push me through!! I nearly fell!! (Ah, no. She is not Irish. She is one of the foreign students from the English course, as I saw her entering the college).

I just don't know what went wrong. Oh, plus I don't even know her. Sometimes, I think life is treating me badly. Yesterday, I was so angry (and still am actually, today), but today I am more like confused! *sigh*

So, how's life treating you guys? *wink*

6 twirls with baby:

70steen on February 14, 2008 at 7:39 AM said...

there are so many odd / rude folk that we come across daily .... I have learnt the 'elbow technique'.... if someone pushes me once then ok let it go... if it happens again from the same person then ' elbows up' stand my ground... look accusingly (I have developed a look that could kill you )and say 'excuse me?' or something more 'cutting'

Hey b4by I am old (ish) and could not give a **** , but please don't be pushed around gal
People behave badly if they think they can get away with it

Cowgirl Betty on February 14, 2008 at 8:07 AM said...

It sounds like this chick didn't know when her stop was, but thought it was getting close and plowed over you.

I agree with 70s's Two-Point Elbow Block technique. Try it tomorrow, without knowing if someone wants to budge ahead of you or not, and feel the exhilaration! Who cares if you get frowns! You won't have shoe prints all over your backside--it'll save in drycleaning! :)

shle3pyb4by on February 14, 2008 at 8:14 AM said...

70steen, thank you! wow!! that was a good one though! i might try the elbow technique! hmm...

*thinking mischievously and have a devil look now and again, oh and with a little ha ha ha*

aah, yeah. that was what i keep on saying. being push around, but my term was, being super-naive! i'll work out on that! probably coz i am just a tiny girl over here! sigh.

shle3pyb4by on February 14, 2008 at 8:16 AM said...

uhhh... betty. yeah. i thought so too! but then again, nope. her face looks familiar tho'. means, i still dont know who she was, but it is not the first time she taking the bus.

probably trying to intimidate me, God knows why!

hmm... as i said to 70steen, i might try. the elbow thingy. :)
traa laa laa laa... now i am happy and off to sleep. thank you betty!! *kisses and a little twirl*

Unknown on February 16, 2008 at 8:15 AM said...

70steen's idea of elbows up stance seems like a good compromise between passiveness and defiance!! hehe..

But try not to let someone else's rudeness spoil your day! its them that have the problem not you... so over the head and all that!!

How is life you ask.... don't wanna sound like a moaner... but it sucks!

Have a good weekend though!

shle3pyb4by on February 16, 2008 at 9:43 AM said...

hi mike! uhuhhh... i guess life must go on, and to be fair we have our upsides and downs once in a while, like in a wheel? *giggles*

i take things positively now. as a start, its been nearly three weeks im off the dance floor. becoming so good now, cleaning, reading books and enjoying life to the fullest! *another giggles*


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