Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Demoiselle en Détresse

I just came back from sending my brother to a workshop to get my dad's car. It was sent there few days ago due to a broken window. The workshop is located in Petaling Jaya. Being me, a demoiselle en détresse when it comes to roads and directions, of course I obviously, have strayed from the flock and went the opposite direction from home!

Photo credit: Me

Based on some relevant studies made, it has been said that we use only 10% of our brain. Is that the reason why at times, (or is it most of the times?), that I could not find my way out when I am nowhere to be found in an unfamiliar neighborhood? Or does that has something got to do with me being a lefty? *grins*

I have been told about this myth millions of times before, (especially when I got myself lost in the middle of nowhere!), that lefty crowd are very hopeless when it comes to their sense of directions. Shockingly, there are even forums created just to discuss on this matter! Maybe it is not just a myth, after all? Or maybe it is just another reason for me to point out so as to cover my clumsy idiotic self? Me being a complete fruitcake with a cherry on top! Haha...

Photo credit: Me
While I was typing this entry at this very moment, two of my cats are sitting down in front of me and cleaning themselves off. They lick their paws clean. Then roll on the floor, flailing their tails and meowing. Cats. Oh, and don't forget their cute, innocent faces looking at you!

Photo credit: Me
And at that very moment, I thought of; how would it be to be as happy as a cat where you don't have to think about anything at all and just be worried about which part of the fur that need to be extra groomed? Which paws have I not cleaned earlier? Or, when should I meows to get the attention to be fed. Instead of not to get lost in a maze of streets and signboards?

But then again, I am happy with who and what I am now. I don't mind being stuck in a traffic of a God-knows-what-street-name have I got myself lost into ~ who knows, while I was searching for the right directions, I will somehow meet that adorable someone whom I soon be with? (in your dreams! haha...) Or being a lefty. Truthfully, I have discovered that lefty, in fact, has so many phenomenal characteristics, which I strongly believed (or I'd like to make myself believe!) that the righty are extremely envy me for! *grins*

What about  you? What do you think?

Got to now. Until then, take care. xxx

0 twirls with baby:


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