Tick Tock Tick Tockk!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Blessing

Hey all. I have been keeping quiet for quite a while now. It's not that I am busy partying, or sorts like that. Just that I have been too busy in the office too. Too much work to do, that having me ended up on bed everytime I came back from work. Keeping me tired and weak to write or jot down some crappy stuff of mine. That's why.

I have been lagging on fueling as well this past few days. Same reason applied. *sigh* I meant to apologies, to all of the people whom I love, in the blogsphere... of course. *wink*

Anyway, things have been blooming out beautifully for me, as pretty as the day when the sun shine basically every single day in Dublin. Blessed!

I just couldn't wait the moment to go to the airport and swooshing away to Tenerife, in about two to three weeks time. I'll be heading there in the middle of June, right after my birthday. I just can't wait!! *big smile*
Things have gone better, better and good for me. The other socks is always by my side, and I mean as always, is always. He came over and cook, he texted at least once a day, we went to coffee sometimes when I finished work and truly exhausted, we drunk for few glasses, basically he was always there. And more, he treated me like a well-known, higher position, like some princess, somehow. It's getting strange and more strange, but to adapt the advice that I was getting from you guys, I am flowing with the flow of life, meant to be written for me. Probably summer means something great for me, I guess?

Regarding my vacation, basically all of my friends were neglecting me, on the trip itself. Therefore, probably some of them are coming, but weird as it can be, the other socks is in the list and he got the ticket as well. And the hotel is booked under his name, with the reason... a present for my birthday!! And it's not going to be a short vacation, as it is a week vacation itself! How strange can it be? What has gotten into him that make him turned to me, after all this while? Do I look different from before? More appealing? Or my goddess's shines shone throughout the summer sunny days? Or did I somehow, accidentally appeared to be attractive, somehow? What could it be?

Whatever is the reason is, I am quite enjoying the trip of what I am having now. All the attention that I got. It's unbelievable, and refreshing! *wink*

I guess I will be tattling again soon, about what's on and what's coming! Talk to you guys later. Happy Sunday!! *twirl and blow some kisses to everyone*

6 twirls with baby:

Daddy Papersurfer on May 25, 2008 at 10:19 PM said...

Looks as though 'things' are progressing nicely ...... good. Take it easy with plenty of snoozing when available - I know I do - tee hee.

shle3pyb4by on May 25, 2008 at 11:03 PM said...

daddy!! :) thanks a lot. yeah. will do, definitely. hmm... why take loads of snoozing? now i am fairly confused! :)

raa laaa laaa traa laa humm...

Daddy Papersurfer on May 26, 2008 at 2:09 AM said...

....... because you are working hard ...... do you read your blog? Honestly........

Jackie on May 26, 2008 at 3:13 AM said...

Oh my sounds very interestng indeed!!

The summer of Romance and Intrigue.

Sounds sooooo fun!!:-)

shle3pyb4by on May 26, 2008 at 4:06 AM said...

hahaha... daddy. yes? i thought u were thinking that i am highly sedated, that i need to be put to sleep. hahaha... :)

i do, indeed. anyway... ;)

shle3pyb4by on May 26, 2008 at 4:11 AM said...

jackie, i think so too!! :) i cant wait!! uuhhh.. blooming beautifully! :)


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